Isn’t it concerning that 70% of the Earth is made up of fresh water and only 1% of that is accessible to drink and use? So conserving this limited amount of water becomes especially important. When everyone depends on water to survive, it becomes important to take responsibility over how we use our water supply to ensure it remains pure and clean. Preserving water also helps protect the environment by saving on energy required for moving, heating and treating water. We believe that the biggest change comes from a series of small and consistent actions we initiate at home, so we’ve compiled a list of 8 manageable ways you can personally shrink your water and carbon footprint.

1. Use efficient water fixtures. Adding an aerator to your household taps can save up to 80% of water! Aerators add airflow into the water as it releases, dividing it into multiple smaller streams which reduces the volume of water from the tap. Low-flow showerheads reduce the amount of water wasted by slowing down the flow from the showerhead, using significantly less water per minute without making a noticeable difference to your shower experience.

2. Shorten your shower. Achieve this is by turning the water off while you soap up. A fun trick is to put on a playlist while you shower and time yourself by how many songs you get through – try to challenge yourself to 1 or 2 songs!

3. Turn the tap off. It sounds like something we already know or should know, but how many of us consciously switch off the tap while brushing our teeth? This simple exercise can save up to 6 litres of water per minute. Imagine using 6 large bottles of water just to brush your teeth! When you visualize it, it seems pretty ridiculous right?

4. Dunk your vegetables. Instead of running the tap to rinse vegetables, fill up a large pot or vessel with water and soak your vegetables for 10 to 25 minutes before scrubbing them dry. Vegetables with ragged surfaces like cauliflower need to be soaked for at least 20 minutes and rubbed more vigorously before being dried. The remains of this water can be fed to plants – win-win.

5. Save your stock. When boiling fruits and vegetables, collect the water and either save it as stock for soups or use it to fertilize house plants. Some people swear that this nutrient-rich water actually helps plants grow better!

6. Almost one-fifth of the water you use at home comes from doing laundry. Economize on the amount of water you use by adjusting the water level of your washing machine to match the amount required for your load, or save using the machine for full loads only.

7. Check for leaks. Minor leaks from your taps and pipes can run approximately 6 litres of water a day while larger drips can waste as much as 38 litres. So you know who to call next! Get them fixed immediately and help conserve the limited water reserve.

To dig deeper and see how much water your household consumes, try this easy water calculator By being in the know, you can take action accordingly. It’s time to make a difference together!

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